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Wills in Colorado

Have you considered the implications of your passing, particularly in relation to your assets, family, and dependents? Regardless of your estate’s size, establishing a last will and testament in Colorado is important. Without this document, the state laws may distribute your assets in a way that doesn’t align with your personal wishes.

For those with modest estates and no dependents, a straightforward will may suffice, naming beneficiaries for your possessions and assets. However, if your estate is more substantial, or if you have dependents, especially minors or beneficiaries with special needs, or if you wish to control inheritances beyond your death, a more comprehensive estate plan is advisable.

Elements of Your Will in Colorado

Creating a will that is comprehensive and reflective of your wishes involves including several key elements. Understanding these components is crucial to ensure your estate is managed and distributed according to your preferences.

  • Appointment of a personal representive: This is the person that will distribute your assets and manage your assets after death.
  • Designating beneficiaries: It is important to identify the people you wish to inherit from your estate and those you do not.
  • Bequests: Outline how you wish to distribute your assets. This can include specific bequests (where particular items are left to specific individuals) and residuary bequests (the remainder of your estate after specific bequests and debts are taken care of). Be as clear as possible to prevent misunderstandings.
  • Guardianship Provisions for Minor Children – If you have minor children, appointing a guardian is a critical element. While the surviving parent typically assumes custody, specifying a guardian is essential if the other parent is deceased, unfit, or unable to assume responsibility.
  • Provisions for Pets – If you have pets, you might want to include arrangements for their care, possibly designating a caregiver and allocating funds for their maintenance.
  • Contingency Clauses – Include contingency clauses to address unforeseen circumstances, like a beneficiary predeceasing you or a change in marital status. This helps ensure your will remains effective and reflective of your intentions, even if circumstances change.

By addressing these key elements, your will can become a clear, legally binding document that precisely conveys your estate distribution wishes. Given the complexity and importance of this document, it’s advisable to seek legal guidance to ensure all aspects of your will are appropriately covered and comply with Colorado law.

Choosing Between a Will and a Trust

The decision between a will and a trust depends on your personal circumstances. Wills are simpler and less costly, ideal for straightforward estates. Trusts, however, offer more control over your estate after death. Trusts can be beneficial for complex situations or specific requirements like special needs provisions. Sometimes both a will and a trust are necessary. Trusts are costly and complicated. It is best to consult with an experienced attorney to discuss the best option.

Assessing the Risks of Self-Drafted Wills

Drafting your own will, while seemingly cost-effective, carries significant risks due to the complexities and nuances of estate and probate laws.

  1. Legal Validity and Compliance
    1. Self-drafted wills often run the risk of not complying with state-specific legal requirements, such as witness and notarization protocols. Non-compliance can render the will invalid.
    2.  An attorney ensures that your will meets all legal standards in Colorado, thus upholding its validity.
  2. Unintended Ambiguities
    1. Without legal expertise, wording in self-drafted wills might be vague or open to misinterpretation, leading to disputes among beneficiaries and potentially costly legal battles.
    2. An attorney can draft clear, unambiguous language that accurately reflects your intentions.
  3. Oversights and Errors
    1. DIY wills might overlook crucial aspects that will require court intervention and leave your loved ones in distress while the matter is resolved.
    2. A lawyer can help ensure a comprehensive approach, addressing all aspects of your estate.
  4. Updates and Amendments (called Codocils)
    1. Changes in life circumstances require updates to estate planning documents. A self-drafted will might not be correctly amended, leading to outdated or conflicting directives.
    2. Legal guidance ensures your will is updated appropriately, reflecting current laws and personal circumstances.

It is important to remember that if your estate plan is incomplete, ambiguous, or declared invalid, your loved ones will end up in court and in distress. Your estate will be depleted to cover filing fees and attorney fees. Therefore, it is very important to have a will that meets Colorado’s legal standards and does not leave room for litigation.

A  Will Might Not Be Necessary

You might not need a will if all significant assets already have designated beneficiaries, you have no minor children, and your preferences align with Colorado’s intestate succession laws. However, to ascertain your specific needs, consulting with our Colorado estate planning and probate attorneys can provide clarity on whether a will or alternative arrangements better suit your estate planning objectives.

Of course, with the experience and expertise we have at Colorado Legal Group, we can predict the circumstances that may arise and maximize what your beneficiaries receive after you pass. If you need help drafting a will contact an experienced estate planning attorney in Colorado.

Fill out our form or call us at 720-594-7360 to get started.

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Need Help Drafting a Will?

Call Colorado Legal Group at 720.594.7360 or get started with a complimentary case evaluation.

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How Can We Help?

Denver Office (Main):
1777 S Harrison St. #1050
Denver, CO 80210


Colorado Springs Office:
102 S Tejon St. #510
Colorado Springs, CO 80903


Grand Junction Office:
120 W Park Dr. #205
Grand Junction, CO 81505



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