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is alimony taxable
Is Alimony Taxable?

When alimony is discussed by separating couples in Colorado, the tax implications may not be the first thing that springs to mind. However, whether alimony is taxable…

How is Alimony Calculated
How is Alimony Calculated?

Alimony is more commonly termed “spousal maintenance” in Colorado. It is the money that can be awarded to one of the spouses in a legal separation or divorce…

When Does Alimony End?
When Does Alimony End?

Alimony, spousal support, maintenance…it has many terms but it means one thing: financial support provided by a higher-earning spouse to the other spouse after a divorce or legal separation.

Denver Mediation
Three Common Mistakes in Alimony Cases

Unlike child support, there is no calculation or worksheet available, the court simply applies a set of factors that help to guide it to a number (or no number at all). Looking…