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Dealing with Stress in Your Divorce Case

Even with the best divorce attorney in Denver, your case is going to take time. Generally, the longer your marriage, the longer it will take to resolve your divorce.

How To Handle Your Divorce Case & Stress Symptoms

Divorce is a challenging life transition that often brings with it a myriad of emotional and psychological stressors. Recognizing and understanding the symptoms of divorce stress is crucial for effectively managing this difficult period in your life.

If you’re navigating a divorce in Colorado, legal assistance from a reputable firm like Colorado Legal Group can provide invaluable support. Here’s a comprehensive guide to recognizing divorce stress symptoms, seeking legal counsel, and finding ways to cope with the challenges ahead.

Divorce Stress Symptoms

There are a variety of symptoms that occur when going through divorce. Here’s the impact on different areas caused by divorce stress:

1. Emotional Turmoil

  • Feelings of sadness, grief, anger, or frustration
  • Anxiety and worry about the future
  • Mood swings and emotional instability

2. Physical Symptoms

  • Insomnia or disturbed sleep patterns
  • Fatigue and low energy levels
  • Headaches, stomachaches, or other psychosomatic symptoms

3. Cognitive Challenges

  • Difficulty concentrating or making decisions
  • Memory problems and forgetfulness
  • Racing thoughts and constant worry

4. Behavioral Changes

  • Withdrawal from social activities or relationships
  • Increased irritability or conflict with others
  • Changes in appetite, such as overeating or undereating

What Makes Divorce So Stressful?

Going through a divorce is inherently stressful due to the multitude of complex issues that must be addressed, often causing emotional, financial, and logistical challenges. Several factors contribute to the stress of divorce, including:

Child Custody

Determining child custody arrangements can be one of the most emotionally charged aspects of divorce. Negotiating custody schedules, parenting plans, and decision-making authority can lead to conflict and anxiety as parents strive to prioritize their children’s best interests while navigating their own desires and needs.

CEO and Managing Attorney David Crum of Colorado Legal Group states, “there is no one way to do a custody case, and you have a lot of different options that are really only limited by the ability to get along and get creative in your case. You don’t always have to go to court, and you definitely don’t have to let a judge decide what the custody of your child is going to look like.”

Child Support

Financial considerations, such as child support obligations, add another layer of stress to divorce proceedings. Determining the appropriate amount of child support and ensuring fair financial support for the children’s well-being can be contentious and emotionally taxing.


Spousal support or alimony is another financial aspect of divorce that can provoke stress and conflict. Determining whether one spouse is entitled to alimony, as well as the amount and duration of payments, often requires careful negotiation and legal guidance.

“The Colorado Legal Group Law Firm is different in managing spousal maintenance cases because we’re going to tackle the issue right away in the case. Whether it’s receiving or paying maintenance, it’s helpful to have an idea of where the case could wind up right in the beginning so we know we should be settling on the issue or going to court,” says Attorney Paige Gleason.

Property Division

Dividing assets and liabilities acquired during the marriage can be a source of significant stress, particularly when there are disagreements over the distribution of property, including real estate, investments, retirement accounts, and personal belongings. Disputes over property division can prolong the divorce process and lead to heightened tension between spouses.

Pet Custody

For many couples, pets are beloved members of the family, and determining their custody can be a source of significant stress for Millennials and Gen Z during divorce. Pet custody arrangements are becoming increasingly common in divorce proceedings, as more people consider their pets to be part of their family unit.

Legal Proceedings

The legal process of divorce itself can be stressful, involving paperwork, court appearances, and negotiations with attorneys. Navigating the complexities of family law and understanding legal rights and obligations can be overwhelming for individuals already grappling with the emotional fallout of divorce.

Financial Uncertainty

Divorce often results in significant financial changes for both parties, including adjusting to a single-income household, dividing assets and debts, and potentially facing new expenses related to child support or alimony. Financial uncertainty and instability can exacerbate stress and anxiety during the divorce process and beyond.

Tips to Establish Financial Certainty

  1. Gather and Organize Financial Information: Start by gathering all relevant financial documents including bank statements, tax returns, investment accounts, retirement account statements, mortgage documents, and any other assets or liabilities you and your spouse may have. Organize these documents systematically and make copies for yourself. Understanding the full financial picture will help you make informed decisions during the divorce proceedings.
  2. Consult with Financial Professionals: Seek advice from financial professionals such as a certified divorce financial analyst (CDFA), financial planner, or accountant who have experience in divorce-related financial matters. They can help you understand the short-term and long-term implications of decisions like asset division, alimony, child support, and tax considerations. A professional can also assist in creating a post-divorce budget and financial plan tailored to your new circumstances.
  3. Protect Your Credit and Establish Individual Financial Accounts: During the divorce process, it’s essential to protect your credit and establish financial independence. Close joint accounts if possible to prevent any further joint liabilities from accruing. Open individual bank accounts and credit cards in your name to begin establishing your own credit history. Monitor your credit report regularly to ensure there are no surprises or unauthorized activities that could impact your financial stability.

The combination of emotional, financial, and logistical challenges inherent in divorce makes it a highly stressful life event for individuals and families. Seeking support from trusted professionals, such as divorce attorneys, therapists, and financial advisors, can help individuals navigate the complexities of divorce and mitigate its impact on their well-being.

Ways to Handle Divorce Stress

Even with the best divorce attorney in Denver, your case is going to take time. Generally, the longer your marriage, the longer it will take to resolve your divorce. This is especially true if you haven’t communicated with your spouse about the divorce before you file, which causes additional stress.

Here are a few ways to reduce divorce stress throughout the process:

1. Self-Care Practices

  • Prioritize self-care activities such as exercise, meditation, or spending time in nature.
  • Engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation, whether it’s reading a book, listening to music, or pursuing a hobby.

2. Seek Emotional Support

  • Lean on friends and family members for emotional support and companionship.
  • Consider joining a support group or seeking individual counseling to process your emotions and gain coping strategies.

3. Legal Guidance

  • Consult with a trusted divorce attorney from Colorado Legal Group to understand your legal rights and options.
  • Work with your attorney to develop a comprehensive legal strategy tailored to your specific circumstances and goals.

4. Financial Planning

  • Take proactive steps to secure your financial future by consulting with a financial advisor or accountant.
  • Create a budget and financial plan to ensure stability during and after the divorce process.

When it comes to long marriages, often the non-filing spouse will require significant time to process what the dissolution of their marriage will look like. Even if you’ve only been married for a short period, it takes time to legally unravel your marriage.

Quick Ways to Relieve Stress

Discovering effective strategies to manage stress is essential for maintaining overall well-being. From herbal teas and homeopathic remedies to mindfulness practices and physical activity, there are numerous approaches to alleviate stress and promote relaxation.

Deep Breathing

Practice deep breathing exercises to calm your nervous system and reduce stress levels. Take slow, deep breaths, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. Repeat several times until you feel more relaxed.

Physical Activity

Engage in physical activity to release tension and improve your mood. Exercise stimulates the production of endorphins, which are natural mood lifters. Whether it’s going for a walk, practicing yoga, or hitting the gym, find an activity that you enjoy and make it a regular part of your routine.

Mindfulness Meditation

“Originating from ancient eastern meditation and yoga traditions, mindfulness is generally described as a particular way of paying attention characterized by intentional and non-judgmental observation of present moment experiences, including bodily sensations, feelings, thoughts, and external stimuli from the environment,” (e.g. Baer, 2003, Grossman et al., 2004, Kabat-Zinn, 1994).

Practice mindfulness meditation to cultivate present-moment awareness and reduce stress. Find a quiet space, close your eyes, and focus on your breath or a calming mantra. Notice any thoughts or sensations without judgment, and gently bring your attention back to the present moment whenever your mind wanders.

In a study published by Elsevier, it was found that Mindfulness-based therapy was just as effective in treating depression, stress and anxiety as cognitive-based therapy and other behavior therapies.

Herbal Tea

Sipping on herbal tea can be a soothing and comforting way to relieve stress and promote relaxation. Certain herbal teas contain compounds that have calming effects on the mind and body, making them an excellent choice for stress relief.

Some herbal teas known for their stress-reducing properties include:

  • Chamomile Tea
  • Lavender Tea
  • Peppermint
  • Lemon Balm
  • Valerian Root Tea

Homeopathic Relief

In addition to herbal teas, homeopathic remedies offer another avenue for stress relief, leveraging natural ingredients to address the body’s response to stress. Homeopathy operates on the principle of “like cures like,” using highly diluted substances to stimulate the body’s self-healing mechanisms. One of our personal homeopathic favorites is Peaceful Feeling by The Flower Remedy here in Denver.

Seek Professional Help

If you’re struggling to cope with stress on your own, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. A therapist or counselor can provide support, guidance, and coping strategies to help you manage stress more effectively.

How a Family Attorney Helps Mitigate Stress

Hiring a divorce attorney can provide numerous benefits and help mitigate stress during the divorce process in several ways:

  1. Legal Expertise and Guidance: A divorce attorney has in-depth knowledge of family law and the legal procedures involved in divorce proceedings. They can provide expert guidance on your rights and obligations under the law, ensuring that you make informed decisions throughout the process.
  2. Objective Advice: Emotions often run high during divorce, making it challenging to make rational decisions. A divorce attorney can offer objective advice and perspective, helping you focus on practical solutions and long-term goals rather than getting caught up in the emotional turmoil of the situation.
  3. Negotiation and Mediation: Many divorces are resolved through negotiation or mediation rather than going to trial. A skilled divorce attorney can negotiate on your behalf to reach a fair and equitable settlement with your spouse, minimizing conflict and stress in the process.
  4. Representation in Court: If your divorce case goes to trial, having a knowledgeable and experienced Colorado attorney by your side is essential. Your attorney will represent your interests in court, advocate on your behalf, and ensure that your rights are protected throughout the legal proceedings.
  5. Paperwork and Documentation: Divorce involves a significant amount of paperwork, including legal documents, financial disclosures, and court filings. Your attorney will handle the preparation and filing of all necessary paperwork, relieving you of this administrative burden and ensuring that everything is completed accurately and on time.
  6. Emotional Support: In addition to providing legal guidance, a divorce attorney can also offer emotional support during this challenging time. They understand the stress and uncertainty you may be experiencing and can provide reassurance and encouragement as you navigate the divorce process.
  7. Focus on the Big Picture: It’s easy to get bogged down in the details of divorce, but a skilled attorney can help you keep sight of the big picture and focus on achieving your long-term goals. Whether it’s securing a fair division of assets, protecting your parental rights, or ensuring financial stability, your attorney will work to achieve the best possible outcome for you.

Divorce attorneys can alleviate stress by providing expert legal guidance, negotiating on your behalf, handling paperwork and documentation, offering emotional support, and ensuring that your rights are protected throughout the divorce process. By having a knowledgeable advocate in your corner, you can navigate divorce with confidence and peace of mind.

Communicating with Your Spouse’s Lawyer

You must be very careful to avoid characterizing what your spouse’s lawyer says as something coming directly from your spouse. Often, your spouse’s lawyer is simply following best practices in handling a divorce case.

A good example of this is that your spouse’s lawyer may request that you pay your spouse’s legal fees at the end of the case. This is a pro forma request and may have nothing to do with what your spouse really wants. So do not get too excited. You will learn what your spouse really wants when your case goes to a settlement conference. Until then keep an open mind.

How To Avoid In-Court Divorce Trial in Colorado

The vast majority of divorce cases in Denver do not go to trial. They end with a negotiated agreement. This does not mean you should sacrifice your position, but it does mean that you will have to compromise to resolve your divorce case. This means it is important to know very early in your case what is important to you and what is not important.

There are dozens of things that can be contested in a divorce, but at the end of the day, for most people, only a few of these things really matter. Your case will be resolved more quickly and more to your satisfaction if you are able to identify what is most important to you and to communicate that to your attorney.

Hiring a Colorado Divorce Attorney

Working through the legal complexities of divorce proceedings can exacerbate stress levels. Seeking the assistance of a skilled divorce attorney is essential for protecting your rights and interests. Colorado Legal Group in Denver offers experienced legal counsel and personalized support to guide you through every step of the divorce process.

Our team of dedicated professionals understands the unique challenges you’re facing and will work tirelessly to achieve the best possible outcome for your case.

Fill out our free case evaluation form or call us at 720-594-7360 to get started.